Scott & Harry
"Well Wishes" From Our Family & Friends
“A belated wedding gift for the belated honeymoon. Never too late! May you have the best honeymoon ever. And Harry, please RELAX.
love,” - Sarah and Joe Gumina, Rosie, TJ, Mango and Woody | |
“It was such an honor to be able to witness the wedding of two people who love each other so much. You are a beautiful example of true love!! Much love and best wishes to you always!” - Jacquelin | |
“We wanted you to have some restorative spa time after your Cape sunny adventures, so here is our gift of a post-sun encounter!
We love both of you and wish you great times on honeymoon and forever” - Arline and Dan | |
“Congrats on the wedding! It's definitely too long in coming. We wish you all the best! Careful on the bikes now :)” - Walt and Kristin | |
“Wedding, honeymoon, life from here on! Enjoy it all!
All my love to you both!” - Randy | |
“Have a wonderful, relaxing and romantic honeymoon!” - Ron | |
“Congratulations on your wedding day!! Wishing you guys the best<3” - Mr.&Mrs.Eric Snyder | |
“I feel privileged to have met the two of you and been a witness to your commitment to each other. Congratulations on two decades together and may you have four or five more together after the blessed event tomorrow. Can't wait to see the pictures.” - Angie Coots | |
“I am so blessed to have you as part of my life. I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness! Congratulations!!! Have a wonderful honeymoon. <3” - Kelly | |
“Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both. I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon and wish you a beautiful life together. <3” - Stacey Hankins McIntosh | |
“I am so happy for you two.
I am looking forward to sharing
this most special day with you two.
And I'm looking forward to sharing many more special days with you two.” - Joyce | |
“Congratulations !
I'm so happy for both of you.” - Michelle Murray | |
“Happy Honeymoon #thinksthehoneymooners” - John | |
“Best wishes and much happiness” - Ron Mackovich | |
“I love eating chili burgers and chili fries with you two. =) Congrats - and have a WONDERFUL honeymoon!” - Karsha &Andrew | |
“Of course we got you wine! Have a magnificent Honeymoon and looking forward to seeing you soon!!” - Dorrit &Chris | |
“The best to both of you and many years to come.” - Chris and Lisa King | |
“Congratulations on your special day. I'm very happy for the both of you and I hope you have a very special wedding day. I'm sad I can't be there to celebrate, but I'm thinking of you two and sending a big hug from Europe. I love you!” - Love, Corinne | |
“May you have all the years of your lives happily together. My gift is my toast to you, and Scott, over this drink, you must regale Harry with a story of the days of Otto, Debbie, you, Steve and me.” - Sara Axelrod Lissabet | |
“Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Sending you some fun stuff for the honeymoon!” - Jane | |
“We're thrilled for you both and wish you many more decades of love, laughter and happiness.
You've already had your "trial run" so it should be a breeze.” - With all our love and congratulations as the big day approaches, Amy, Mark, Corinne and Michael | |
“Wishing you both much happiness and continued love and friendship. I am thrilled to celebrate with you and raise a glass (or 3) to the happy couple. Love, Carin” - | |
“Much happiness always
Love,” - Annette |
Thank You for visiting our honeymoon bridal registry and wedding website. We decided to use this honeymoon bridal registry to allow us to pre-plan all the wonderful things we want to do on our dream honeymoon. If you have any questions about how our honeymoon bridal registry works, please contact a honeymoon registry specialist at 800-801-3493 and they can help with our wedding registry list. Again, Thank You so much for using our honeymoon bridal registry and wedding website. Most of all, thank you for being part of our wedding and helping us have the romantic honeymoon and wedding we've always imagined.
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